Flaming Drum Rolls on

Wouldn’t you say Japan is doing rather well in wiggling out of the Wuhan corona turmoil? A distant drum is rolling to cheer the Japanese people combatting the virus in so efficient a manner. People wonder why so few have died of the pandemic that is killing people all over the world in five/six digits.

Well, in short, it is due to a sense of beauty in the minds of the Japanese – not that they love things beautiful, which they no doubt do, but a common trait of observing as well as distilling beauty in every thing and being shared in their daily life.

The trait helps evade evil matters, the Wuhan corona definitely for one. Our doctors, nurses, and all medical staff have that trait to guide them in discharging routine activities. That explains what Japan’s medicare system refused to collapse all along.

Another drum rolls distant away.

That’s a reminder for me not to forget informing you that I have just kindled another classic Rakugo in English – everybody’s favorite “Kaen Daiko” (火焔太鼓)or “Flaming Drum” in English. It’s a script transcribed straight from a professional performance of this title by Master Kotontei Shinsho. It’s not just for reading through alone but for you to actually try performing the story yourself.

Rakugo is a traditional art of storytelling done in a manner so unique in Japan that few Westerners can ever dream of “performing” it yourself. But, then, this series of Rakugo classics is selected and transcribed just to help make that happen.

Rakugo is generally, and falsely, considered an avenue for comic talks. It does have such elements, yes, but that is not all – not at all. Rakugo, particularly classic Rakugo, is often compared to stage drama so full of pathos and melancholy.

Flaming Drum is a delicious mixture of comic and melodrama. I hope you give it a try. Japan has much more than Fujiyama and Geisha, sushi, and Kabuki. The Japanese find beauty even in laughter; Rakugo is such an avenue.

Flaming Drum is now up in Kindle Flaming Drum

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    Rakugo Classics in English



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