The Shogi Prodigy Fujii Made 50 in Shortest Span in History

■Nathan Shiga: November 21

The 15-year-old Shogi (Japanese Chess) wizard, 4-dan, wrapped up a crucial contest with a higher-ranking (7-dan) rival, November 21, with his 50th win since his debut in October 2016 – faster than any of the four leading Shogimen in history.

Fujii turned professional in October 2016, the youngest at age 14 years and 2 months, and stretched a winning streak to 29 by July this year – rewriting the longest straight-winning record in 30 years. Fujii resumed another 10-match winning streak since September 14 and he stood at 49 wins and 6 losses when he met Shingo Hyodo, 7-dan, from Osaka for his memorable 50th match.

The match turned out a see-saw in one hour and a half, and Fujii managed to wrap it up in 126 moves. “It was a tough game till the last few moves”, Fujii said, adding that it was “one game at a time piled up to fifty.”

Sota Fujii reached the “barrier” faster than of the other four prestigious Shogimen, Yoshiharu Habu, Akira Watanabe, Hifumi Sato and Koji Tanigawa.
A senior Shogi master Yoshiharu Habu had lost 16 when he had won his 50th match against Sota Fujii only 6 when his did his – an amazing winning percentage of 89%. Further, Habu had taken a year and a little over 3 months to beat the barrier of 50, whereas Sota Fujii took a year and a little short of 1 month.

Shogi fans are holding their breaths in anticipation of Sota Fujii winning his first major title – be it Meijin, Ryuwo, or Eiwo. Good show, Sota!

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