Why Baseballs? Why 9000 of Them?


●Nathan Shiga: August 19, 2017

Most incredulous incidents took place at 18 different junior and high schools mainly in 5 Kanto prefectures in the midst of heated games ongoing in Koshien. Thieves sneaked in the schools and stole not a few but 9000 of baseballs and a number of bats too!

Why baseballs and why so many? A new baseball costs 400 yen and even used balls should amount up to a million yen in 9000. Some suspect a ring of thieves after profits; others illicit buyers who sell them overseas as they do stolen bikes.

True, the net auction often handles used baseballs in chunks of several tens to a hundred, but the Yahoo Japan has no record of any conspicuous increase in the ball trade.

Mizuno, a leading baseball manufacturer, testifies the balls deteriorate once used and would not be so much in demand.

Well, why in the world would anyone steal that many balls that would deteriorate in time and can’t even be auctioned? While the High-school Invitational Baseball Tournament is nearing its climax in Koshien Stadium, I wonder how many of those boys in the tournament are aware of and disturbed by the “incidents”?

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