Rakugo “The Mind’s Eye” Up in Kindle

Let me make history by introducing an episode on Japan’s unique art of storytelling Rakugo that I am personally involved in shedding light on it. A few days ago an e-book was listed in the “New Titles” sector of Kindle : “The Mind’s Eye” A masterpiece of Rakugo “Shingan” (12 Rakugo Classics) (English Edition) Kindle version.

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Rakugo is obviously new to most of you. It’s a traditional style of storytelling in Japan staged by a storyteller singlehandedly portraying multiple characters. He has no more gear at his disposal than a towel and a folding fan to produce his stage.

Most stories are comical but not the sort you laugh your guts out; they can often be naively sentimental or delicately emotional. We Japanese will from time to time visit Yose (yoh-say), storyteller’s house, to spend time listening to a band of Hayashika (storyteller) talk, talk and talk to tickle you to healthy laughter.

San’yutei Encho, the originator of The Mind’s Eye, is a master Hanashika who virtually founded modern Rakugo.

My rendition into English of this original story by Encho is offered in the form of script ready to stage by potential English-speaking Hanashika – possibly by any one of you anxious to get a feel of this unique art of storytelling!

I plan to introduce a total of twelve classic masterpieces, one by one, as I finish working on the original stenographic scripts. Beside what you already know of Japan, I do hope you will take a moment to acquaint yourself with yet another aspect of Japanese culture.

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    Rakugo Classics in English



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